about an ongoing experiment called life

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lunchtime Tales...

This afternoon tasting the bhaji at lunch got me all nostalgic, up there, somewhere.

It had this taste that was so remniscent of the oh so delicious curry they used to dish up back at school. Everytime that curry was on, we used to become real actors, us.

Thing was, we weren't allowed more than one round. But greedy us, and devil us were obviously never satisfied. So there we were, one round done, ready for one more!

We used to come running and screaming, as if just out of class, and demand the Bai to serve the abso fab curry. Sometimes she didn't realize we were actually 'back again'. And at times when she did, the kindly soul just didn't find the heart to drive us away! The Lord Bless Her, and that curry too!

That was Lunch then, a fun affair. And there's lunch now, a grab of a few moments in a day that seems to be perennially stuck in fast forward.

Somebody get me that rewind button please... curry calls!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Rangeen Aliens...

The other day had gone to get the number plate of our car done. My bluddy friend Pandu had fined me a nice Rs. 100 bucks for "tumcha number plate damage jhala ahe saheb".

So coming back to getting that number plate done, well, there was this other guy at the shop who was also looking for 'designs'.
"Boss, yeh wala kitne mein aega?"
"Iska 150 hoga saab"
"Accha thik hai, magar yeh numbers apneko blak mein hi milega ki aur bhi koi colour hai aapke pass?"

"What the ef? What the ef? What the ef?" (silently) (and that's me, coz the number plate artist was too dumbfounded to speak)

All I wanted to know then was, are people really so ignorant about traffic laws. Or could it be an even bigger jhol, could we actually have aliens amongst us...

Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Tinnnnnnn...